马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔(Mahathir)否认背叛, 拒绝对2018年领土决定进行刑事调查的呼吁。 Former Malaysian PM Mahathir denies betrayal, rejects call for criminal investigation over 2018 territorial decision.
马来西亚前总理穆罕默德(Mahathir Mohamad)否认有关背叛的指控, 并拒绝皇家委员会建议对其2018年决定撤销马来西亚对白礁岛对新加坡的诉求进行刑事调查。 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad denies allegations of betrayal and rejects a royal commission's recommendation for a criminal investigation into his 2018 decision to drop Malaysia's claim over the Pedra Branca islet against Singapore. Mahathir认为,这一决定是他的内阁根据法律咨询作出的,他质疑为什么其他部长没有受到类似的调查。 Mahathir argues the decision was made by his cabinet based on legal advice, questioning why other ministers were not similarly investigated. 他称调查出于政治动机,目的是损害他的声誉。 He calls the inquiry politically motivated, aimed at damaging his reputation.