科吉州前州长Yahaya Bello在1 100亿奈拉腐败案件中拒绝保释。 Former Kogi State Governor Yahaya Bello denied bail in a N110 billion corruption case.
前Kogi州州长Yahaya Bello的保释申请被联邦首都直辖区高等法院法官驳回。 Former Kogi State Governor Yahaya Bello's bail application was dismissed by a Federal Capital Territory High Court judge. Bello与另外两人一道,因经济和金融犯罪委员会(EFCC)违反涉及1 100亿新元的信任的刑事犯罪等指控被提讯。 Bello, along with two others, was arraigned on charges including criminal breach of trust involving over N110 billion by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). 法官因Bello在被捕前提出的保释申请的提交时间而作出不利于Bello的判决。 The judge ruled against Bello due to the timing of his bail application, which was filed before his arrest.