环保局的研究发现,空气毒素接触风险高的学校对少数群体儿童的影响特别大。 EPA study finds schools with high air toxin exposure risk disproportionately affect minority children.
环保局完成的一项研究显示,接触空气污染物风险最高的美国公立学校的少数民族儿童比例较高,特别是西班牙裔残疾学生和拉丁裔残疾学生。 The EPA has completed a study showing that U.S. public schools with the highest exposure risk to air toxics have a higher proportion of minority children, especially disabled Hispanic and Latino students. 儿童由于呼吸道发病率较高而面临更大的风险。 Children are at greater risk due to their higher respiratory rates. 这项研究使用了2018年美国环保局的数据,确定了风险学校中最高5%的学校。 The study, which used 2018 EPA data, identified the top 5% of schools at risk. 今后的研究将审查2020年数据以及贫穷和城市化等其他因素。 Future research will examine 2020 data and additional factors like poverty and urbanicity.