日托店主Antonio Solano在其设施发现毒品后被指控贩毒。 Daycare owner Antonio Solano charged with drug trafficking after drugs were found at his facility.
Antonio Solano, 40岁,在当局在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯一个注册日托所搜查两名儿童时发现芬太尼和甲基安非他明后,面临多重毒品指控。 Antonio Solano, 40, faces multiple drug charges after authorities found fentanyl and methamphetamine at a registered daycare in Lawrence, Massachusetts, during a search where two children were present. Solano不认罪,被控贩运芬太尼、分销甲基苯丙胺和其他与毒品有关的罪行。 Solano, who pleaded not guilty, is charged with trafficking in fentanyl, distributing methamphetamine, and other drug-related offenses. 他的保释金定为25,000美元,并于1月3日出庭。 His bail was set at $25,000, with a court appearance on January 3.