中国科学家在高原种植空间培育种子,提高当地饲料生产。 Chinese scientists grow space-bred seeds on high plateau, enhancing local feed production.
中国新疆自治区的科学家成功地在世界最高高原种植了空间培育的种子,促进了当地饲料生产。 Scientists in China's Xizang Autonomous Region have successfully grown space-bred seeds on the world's highest plateau, boosting local feed production. 这些种子暴露在空间条件之下,以诱发有益的基因突变,在恶劣的气候下表现出抗御力,生存温度低至-40°C。 The seeds, exposed to space conditions to induce beneficial genetic mutations, showed resilience in harsh climates, surviving temperatures as low as -40°C. 该倡议旨在解决该区域的草到牲畜平衡问题,并计划今后引进空间培育的蔬菜和水果种子。 This initiative aims to address the region's grass-to-livestock balance, with plans to introduce space-bred vegetable and fruit seeds in the future.