Chattanooga杂货店的火灾导致屋顶倒塌,拆除计划正在进行中。 Chattanooga grocery store fire leads to roof collapse, with plans for demolition underway.
田纳西州Chattanooga一家杂货店周二清晨面临大火,导致屋顶坍塌和结构损坏。 A grocery store in Chattanooga, Tennessee, faced a significant fire early Tuesday morning, leading to a roof collapse and structural damage. 消防员于凌晨1时10分对浓烟作出反应,并努力防止火势蔓延至附近的建筑物。 Firefighters responded at 1:10 am to heavy smoke and worked to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby buildings. 由于结构受损,已制订计划拆除该商店。 Due to the compromised structure, plans are in place to demolish the store. 没有报告有人受伤,火灾原因仍在调查之中。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.