德里法院传唤Bollywood actor Dharmendra在17.70 lakh 特许经营欺诈案中。 Bollywood actor Dharmendra summoned by Delhi court in ₹17.70 lakh franchise cheating case.
一个德里法院传唤了Bollywood演员Dharmendra和其他两人,一起涉及Garam Dharam Dharam Dhaba特许经营权的欺骗性案件。 A Delhi court has summoned Bollywood actor Dharmendra and two others in a cheating case involving the Garam Dharam Dhaba franchise. 传票是在商人Sushil Kumar提出申诉之后发出的。 Sushil Kumar声称,他被骗在特许经营权中投资17.70拉克,然后被被告置之不顾。 The summons follow a complaint by businessman Sushil Kumar, who alleges he was tricked into investing ₹17.70 lakh in the franchise and then ignored by the accused. 法院发现初步证据表明存在欺骗和犯罪阴谋。 The court found prima facie evidence of cheating and criminal conspiracy. 本案定于2025年2月20日再次开庭审理。 The case is scheduled for another hearing on February 20, 2025.