Boeing在罢工后重新启动了737个MAX生产,但面临FAA的限制和以往的挑战。 Boeing restarts 737 MAX production post-strike but faces FAA limits and past challenges.
波音已恢复生产其737架MAX飞机,大约在七个星期的打击结束一个月之后。 Boeing has restarted production of its 737 MAX aircraft about a month after a seven-week strike ended. 该公司旨在完成约4 200份订单,但由于安全考虑,面临安哥拉武装部队规定的每月38架飞机的生产限制。 The company aims to fulfill around 4,200 orders, but faces production limits set by the FAA at 38 planes per month due to safety concerns. 波音计划每月将产出增加到56架飞机,但因过去的撞车、大流行病和供应链问题而受到阻碍。 Boeing plans to increase output to 56 planes per month but has been hindered by past crashes, the pandemic, and supply chain issues.