孟加拉国金融股要求在辞职后审查中提供前PPM Hasina的银行业务详情。 Bangladesh Financial Unit requests banking details of ex-PM Hasina amid post-resignation scrutiny.
孟加拉国金融情报室(BFIU)要求各银行提供前总理谢赫·哈西娜、她的姊妹谢赫·雷哈纳和班加班杜·谢赫·穆吉布·拉赫曼纪念信托基金的账户详情。 The Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU) has asked banks for account details of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, her sister Sheikh Rehana, and the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Memorial Trust. BFIU在五个工作日内寻求交易记录、账户开户表和其他有关资料。 The BFIU seeks transaction records, account opening forms, and other related information within five working days. 这项请求是在Hasina在大规模起义后辞职和离开印度之后提出的,结束了她所在政党15年半的统治。 This request comes after Hasina's resignation and departure to India following a mass uprising, ending 15-and-a-half years of her party's rule.