在尼日利亚的APC成立委员会调查地方选举前发生的爆炸事件. APC in Nigeria forms committee to investigate bombing at its office before local elections.
尼日利亚河流州的APC已经成立了一个由9名成员组成的委员会, 调查2024年10月5日在其秘书处发生的爆炸事件. The APC in Rivers State, Nigeria, has formed a nine-member committee to investigate a bombing at its secretariat on October 5, 2024. 该委员会由法律顾问凯莱奇·恩武齐牵头,旨在查明袭击的起因,袭击发生在地方选举前几天。 Led by Legal Adviser Kelechi Nwuzi, the committee aims to uncover the causes of the attack, which occurred days before local elections. 该党主席Tony Okocha呼吁进行公正的调查,批评州长将事件排除在先前的调查之外。 The party's chairman, Tony Okocha, called for an impartial investigation, criticizing the state governor for excluding the incident from a previous inquiry.