Alan Leyva-Vasquez,22岁,在SUV失事后因车辆杀人被捕,55岁,Kari Scholin在Las Cruces遇害。 Alan Leyva-Vasquez, 22, arrested for vehicular homicide after SUV crash killed Kari Scholin, 55, in Las Cruces.
22岁的Alan Leyva-Vasquez于12月6日在Las Cruces的皇家天空汽车旅馆坠毁后被捕,被控犯有车辆杀人罪。 Alan Leyva-Vasquez, 22, was arrested and charged with vehicular homicide after a crash at the Imperial Sky Motel in Las Cruces on December 6th. 据称,Leyva-Vasquez把他的SUV翻到汽车旅馆房间,杀死55岁的Kari Scholin,打伤一名59岁的男子。 Leyva-Vasquez allegedly reversed his SUV into a motel room, killing Kari Scholin, 55, and injuring a 59-year-old man. 他最初声称他正在逃离一次袭击,但监控录像与他的故事相矛盾。 He initially claimed he was fleeing an assault, but surveillance footage contradicts his story. 该车辆有伪造的得克萨斯车牌。 The vehicle had fake Texas plates.