以「Vera」为主的女演员Brenda Blethyn在中场拍摄中住院, Actress Brenda Blethyn, starring in "Vera," was hospitalized mid-shoot; final episodes air in early January.
Brenda Blethyn女演员在ITV的Vera担任DCI Stanhope, 一名化妆师在现场注意到医疗问题后被送往医院。 Actress Brenda Blethyn, who stars as DCI Stanhope in ITV's Vera, was taken to the hospital after a makeup artist noticed a medical issue on set. 14年犯罪戏剧的最后一集将于1月1日和2日播出, The final episodes of the 14-year crime drama will air on January 1 and 2, followed by a documentary. Blethyn反省了她扮演角色的时间和系列的结局,这是她想多陪陪家人的欲望所激发的。 Blethyn has reflected on her time playing the character and the series' end, which was prompted by her desire to spend more time with her family. 以前的一个事件涉及她经历Bell的麻痹,但后来发现是耳朵感染引起的。 A previous incident involved her experiencing Bell's Palsy, but it was later found to be caused by an ear infection. 上一季包括一家更名的酒吧“The Stanhope Arms”,用于最后一集的情节。 The last season includes a renamed pub, "The Stanhope Arms," for the final episode's plot.