一名49岁的男子因在一名妇女一起喝酒后两次用车打她而被逮捕。 A 49-year-old man was arrested for hitting a woman with his car twice after they drank together.
一名49岁的男子在利马索尔被捕,因为他在一夜共饮酒后两次驾车撞上一名34岁的妇女。 A 49-year-old man was arrested in Limassol for driving into a 34-year-old woman twice after a night of drinking together. 这起事件发生在上星期一,这名妇女因腿骨折受伤,在Episkopi警察局提出申诉。 The incident occurred last Monday, and the woman, injured with a fractured leg, filed a complaint at the Episkopi police station. 该案目前正在调查中。 The case is currently under investigation.