青少年劳伦·阿普尔比为训练而旅行数小时, 目标是2025年参加AFLW, 亮相"年轻血统". Teen Lauren Appleby travels hours for training, aiming for AFLW in 2025,featured in "Young Bloods."
来自澳大利亚莫里 (Moree) 的 17 岁女孩劳伦·阿普尔比 (Lauren Appleby) 正在努力争取在 2025 年加入 AFLW,尽管她的小镇缺乏全尺寸的场地和当地比赛。 17-year-old Lauren Appleby from Moree, Australia, is striving to join the AFLW in 2025 despite her town lacking full-sized fields and local competitions. 她每次去悉尼天鹅学院训练8小时, 使用她父亲制作的临时目标柱。 She travels eight hours each way to train with the Sydney Swans Academy and uses makeshift goalposts made by her father. Appleby在新的《小血》系列《年轻鲜血》中作了特别报道,它紧接着八名学院选手的征召之夜之旅。 Appleby is featured in a new docuseries, "Young Bloods," which follows eight Academy players' journey to draft night. 她的献身精神已经取得了成效,在这个赛季,她参加了大多数学院的比赛,激励来自偏远地区的其他人追逐他们的梦想。 Her dedication has paid off, playing in most Academy games this season and inspiring others from remote areas to chase their dreams.