尼日利亚官员驳回虚假的大使级提名人名单,为今后的任命做好准备。 Nigerian officials dismiss fake ambassadorial nominees list, prepare for future appointments.
尼日利亚外交部已驳回一份在社交媒体上流传的虚假大使提名人名单。 The Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has dismissed a circulating fake list of ambassadorial nominees on social media. 外交部表示,博拉·蒂努布总统在一年多前召回83位大使之后,没有作出任何新的任命。 The ministry stated that President Bola Tinubu has not made any new appointments since recalling 83 ambassadors over a year ago. 尽管如此,联邦政府正在准备向世界各地的外交使团部署领事官员,以备将来任命大使。 Despite this, the federal government is preparing by deploying consular officers to diplomatic missions worldwide in anticipation of future ambassadorial appointments.