Newberry县调查致命火灾和刺杀事件;屋主受伤,疑似死亡。 Newberry County investigates fatal fire and stabbing; homeowner injured, suspect deceased.
Newberry县正在调查一起致命事件 涉及在Silverstreet的绿色Acres路 发生火灾和刺杀 Newberry County is investigating a fatal incident involving a fire and stabbing on Green Acres Road in Silverstreet. 房主被刺伤,伤势不至于致命,他报告说,有一次辩论导致他被刺伤,房屋被放火焚烧。 The homeowner, who was stabbed and had non-life-threatening injuries, reported that an argument led to him being stabbed and his house being set on fire. 在灭火后,当局发现里面有一个已死亡的人。 After putting out the fire, authorities found a deceased individual inside. 死亡原因正由纽伯里县验尸官办公室调查 The cause of death is under investigation by the Newberry County Coroner's Office.