新西兰虐待幸存者面临负担不起的牙科帐单,这凸显了国家护理资金问题。 New Zealand abuse survivor faces unaffordable dental bills, highlighting national care funding issues.
Ellie, 新西兰虐待幸存者, 面对75000美元的帐单, 修补被前伴侣损坏的牙齿。 Ellie, a New Zealand abuse survivor, faces a $75,000 bill to repair teeth damaged by her ex-partner. 由于负担不起治疗费用,她用止痛药和抗生素管理疼痛,甚至用珠子和钉子做假牙。 Unable to afford treatment, she manages pain with painkillers and antibiotics, even making fake teeth from beads and nails. 律师们认为,她的案件突出表明需要更好的牙科保健资金,因为目前的制度使新西兰损失了数十亿的生产力和生活质量。 Advocates argue her case highlights the need for better dental care funding, as the current system costs New Zealand billions in lost productivity and quality of life.