新应用程序帮助澳大利亚农民追踪小麦和大麦的杀虫剂耐药性。 New app helps Australian farmers track pesticide resistance in wheat and barley.
名为农药抗药性综合绘图(PRIM)的新应用程序通过展示小麦和大麦中杀菌剂抗药性的蔓延和严重程度,帮助澳大利亚农民管理农药抗药性。 A new app called Pesticide Resistance Integrated Mapping (PRIM) helps Australian farmers manage pesticide resistance by showing the spread and severity of fungicide resistance in wheat and barley. 该应用软件由作物和疾病管理中心和国家地理信息系统开发,在谷物研究开发公司的支持下,为作出更好的作物保护决定提供了宝贵数据。 Developed by the Centre for Crop and Disease Management and NGIS, with support from the Grains Research and Development Corporation, the app provides valuable data for better crop protection decisions. 未来的计划包括将其使用范围扩大到除草剂和杀虫剂。 Future plans include expanding its use to herbicides and insecticides.