在SEBI指控该公司金融欺诈和管理不善之后,Mishtann Foods的股票暴跌。 Mishtann Foods' stock plummeted after SEBI accused the company of financial fraud and mismanagement.
印度证券交易委员会(SEBI)对该公司及其推销商Hiteshkumar Gaurishankar Patel发出限制令,因为有人指控金融管理不善、欺诈交易和公司治理问题,因此,Mishtann食品股份大幅下降。 Shares of Mishtann Foods dropped significantly after the Securities and Exchanges Board of India (SEBI) issued a restraining order against the company and its promoter, Hiteshkumar Gaurishankar Patel, due to allegations of financial mismanagement, fraudulent transactions, and corporate governance issues. SEBI指控Mishtann通过假交易滥用资金和充额销售。 SEBI accused Mishtann of misusing funds and inflating sales through fictitious transactions. 该公司否认这些指控,并正在处理SEBI的关切问题。 The company denies these allegations and is addressing SEBI's concerns.