爱尔兰警方在安全追逐过程中获得驾车反对主要公路上交通的许可。 Irish police gain permission to drive against traffic on major roads during chases for safety.
爱尔兰警察部队爱尔兰警察Gardaí现已获准在追逐过程中,根据新的程序,在高速公路和双车道上驾车反对交通。 The Irish police force, Gardaí, now has the permission to drive against traffic on motorways and dual carriageways during chases, under a new procedure. 这种策略使警察能够追捕犯罪分子,这些人有时为逃避抓捕而驱赶交通。 This tactic allows police to pursue criminals who sometimes drive against traffic to evade capture. 作出这一决定是为了确保公共安全和尽量减少风险,由控制中心管理追逐活动。 The decision was made to ensure public safety and minimize risk, with pursuits managed from a control center.