在内华达州Pleasant Valley的切割设备引发的草火被当地消防员迅速扑灭。 Grass fire sparked by cutting equipment in Pleasant Valley, Nevada, quickly extinguished by local firefighters.
12月7日, 内华达州Pleasant Valley因切割设备引发大火, 由Luckee Meadows消防救援队扑灭。 A grass fire sparked by cutting equipment broke out in Pleasant Valley, Nevada, on December 7th, and was extinguished by Truckee Meadows Fire & Rescue. 由于缺乏最近的湿度,干燥的植被促成了火灾。 Dry vegetation, due to a lack of recent moisture, contributed to the fire. 当局已建议居民避免进行可能引发更多火灾的活动。 Authorities have advised residents to avoid activities that could trigger more fires.