吉吉·哈迪德 (Gigi Hadid)、布拉德利·库珀 (Bradley Cooper) 和哈迪德 (Hadid) 的父亲在洛杉矶进行了一次罕见的公开双人约会。 Gigi Hadid, Bradley Cooper, and Hadid's father were seen on a rare public double date in Los Angeles.
吉吉·哈迪德 (Gigi Hadid) 和她的男友布拉德利·库珀 (Bradley Cooper) 与哈迪德的父亲穆罕默德 (Mohamed) 和他的女友凯尼·席尔瓦 (Keni Silva) 在洛杉矶进行了双重约会。 Gigi Hadid and her boyfriend Bradley Cooper were seen on a double date with Hadid's father, Mohamed, and his girlfriend, Keni Silva, in Los Angeles. 哈迪德在比佛利山庄的开业活动后,该小组在圣莫尼卡的乔治·巴尔迪 (Giorgio Baldi) 用餐。 The group dined at Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica after Hadid’s store opening event in Beverly Hills. 这次郊游标志着哈迪德的家人罕见地公开露面,表明他们的关系越来越亲密。 The outing marks a rare public appearance together with Hadid's family, indicating a growing closeness in their relationship.