底特律警方逮捕了7名劫车嫌疑人,一名嫌疑人在对峙中手臂中弹。 Detroit police arrested seven carjacking suspects, with one suspect shot in the arm during a confrontation.
底特律警察局逮捕了7名劫车嫌疑犯 与过去48小时的多起盗窃案有关 The Detroit Police Department arrested seven carjacking suspects linked to multiple thefts over the last 48 hours. 在加油站发生对峙时,警察与嫌疑人交火,其中一人用枪指着警察。 During a confrontation at a gas station, police exchanged gunfire with the suspects after one pointed a gun at officers. 一名嫌疑人手臂中弹,不久后全部被捕。 One suspect was shot in the arm and all were apprehended shortly after. 临时首领Todd Bettison赞扬这项行动,指出它加强了城市安全。 Interim Chief Todd Bettison commended the operation, noting it enhances city safety.