阿塞拜疆和土耳其计划加强水管理合作,重点放在资源监督和知识共享上。 Azerbaijan and Turkey plan to enhance water management cooperation, focusing on resource oversight and knowledge sharing.
阿塞拜疆和土耳其正在计划加强其在水管理方面的合作。 Azerbaijan and Turkey are planning to enhance their collaboration in water management. 阿塞拜疆代表会见了土耳其专家,包括Mehmet Akif Balta,讨论如何改进国家对水资源使用和保护的监督。 Azerbaijani representatives met with Turkish specialists, including Mehmet Akif Balta, to discuss improving state oversight of water resource use and protection. 两国都强调必须加强合作和知识共享,以推进其水管理做法。 Both countries highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation and sharing knowledge to advance their water management practices.