澳大利亚在墨尔本开通了大型电池系统,能够为80,000所房屋提供一小时的电力。 Australia opens large battery system in Melbourne, capable of powering 80,000 homes for an hour.
澳大利亚第二大电池能源储存系统,即200 MW/400 MWh牧场银行BESS,已在墨尔本开放。 Australia's second-largest battery energy storage system, the 200 MW/400 MWh Rangebank BESS, has been opened in Melbourne. 在高峰时期,它能为80,000所房屋提供一小时的电力。 Developed by Fluence Energy and partners, it can power 80,000 homes for an hour during peak times. 壳牌能源公司首次在全球公用事业规模的BESS进行直接公平投资,目的是支持电网稳定和协助向可再生能源过渡。 Shell Energy's first direct equity investment in a utility-scale BESS globally, it aims to support grid stability and aid the transition to renewable energy.