阿什利·巴克斯特 (Ashley Baxter) 因酒后驾车撞车造成严重伤害而被判处 2.5 年监禁。 Ashley Baxter sentenced to 2.5 years for DUI crash causing severe injuries.
来自尼亚加拉的 38 岁男子阿什利·巴克斯特 (Ashley Baxter) 因酒后驾车造成正面碰撞,严重伤害一名 51 岁男子而被判处两年半监禁。 Ashley Baxter, a 38-year-old from Niagara, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for causing a head-on collision while drunk driving, severely injuring a 51-year-old man. 受害者胫骨骨折和多次手术,导致抑郁、焦虑和创伤后应激障碍。 The victim suffered fractured tibias and multiple surgeries, leading to depression, anxiety, and PTSD. 罗伯特·吉 (Robert Gee) 法官强调了酒后驾驶的严重后果,并拒绝了社区判决,还对 Baxter 实施了五年半的驾驶禁令。 Judge Robert Gee emphasized the severe consequences of impaired driving and rejected a community sentence, also imposing a five-and-a-half-year driving prohibition on Baxter.