在古董路展上,讨论了一个潜在的泰坦尼克号救生艇轮锁,如果是真实的,其价值可能超过5万英镑。 On Antiques Roadshow, a potential Titanic lifeboat rowlock was discussed, valued potentially over £50,000 if authentic.
在12月8日的《古董路展》上, 一名客人带来一排锁, 标着“泰坦尼克号救生艇” On the Antiques Roadshow aired December 8th, a guest brought in a brass rowlock marked "Titanic Lifeboat no. 3号在车库里找到 3" found in a garage. 专家希拉里·凯(Hilary Kay)讨论了救生艇的历史,但无法确认该物品的来源或提供估价,尽管她指出,如果属实,可能价值超过5万英镑。 Expert Hilary Kay discussed the lifeboat's history but could not confirm the item's origin or provide a valuation, though she noted it could be worth over £50,000 if authentic. 尽管情况不确定 客人还是很感激 The guest was appreciative despite the uncertainty.