一名17岁的司机坠毁在发现湾的一个看守所内,造成一名警卫死亡,另一名警卫受伤;他面临车辆过失杀人指控。 A 17-year-old driver crashed into a guard shack in Discovery Bay, killing one guard and injuring another; he faced vehicular manslaughter charges.
一名17岁的青年在汽车撞入加利福尼亚州发现湾的看守所时被捕,一名警卫死亡,另一名警卫受伤。 A 17-year-old was arrested after his vehicle crashed into a guard shack in Discovery Bay, California, killing one security guard and injuring another. 这名短暂住院的青少年被指控犯有车辆过失杀人罪。 The teenager, who was briefly hospitalized, was charged with vehicular manslaughter. 车祸发生时司机失去了对车辆的控制。 The crash occurred when the driver lost control of his vehicle. 当局说醉酒不是一个因素 调查还在进行中 Authorities say intoxication was not a factor, and the investigation is ongoing.