Wwocestershire皇家医院被英国的CQC评为“需要改进”, Worcestershire Royal Hospital rated "requires improvement" by UK's CQC, cites urgent care issues.
11月,联合王国护理质量委员会(CQC)对Wwostershire皇家医院进行了“要求改进”评分,特别是对其紧急和紧急护理服务评分。 Worcestershire Royal Hospital received a "requires improvement" rating from the UK's Care Quality Commission (CQC) in November, particularly for its urgent and emergency care services. 问题包括等候时间长、护理环境不足和对机构工作人员的依赖。 Issues included long waiting times, inadequate care environments, and reliance on agency staff. 医院计划通过建立25个床位的“冬季病房”, 增加日间紧急护理服务, 并雇用更多员工来解决这些问题。 The hospital plans to address these problems by creating a 25-bed "winter ward," increasing Same Day Emergency Care services, and hiring more staff.