汤姆·克鲁斯在"Top Guin: Maverick"的Cannes首映前 感到焦虑 但这部电影赢得了奥斯卡奖 Tom Cruise felt anxious before "Top Gun: Maverick"'s Cannes premiere, yet the film won an Oscar.
Cannes电影节导演Thierry Frémoux透露, Tom Cruis在节庆“Top Guin: Maverick”的首映前感到压力和恐惧。 Cannes Film Festival director Thierry Frémaux revealed that Tom Cruise felt stressed and afraid before the debut of "Top Gun: Maverick" at the festival. 尽管Cruise很焦虑, 这部电影还是很受欢迎, 并赢得最佳音响奥斯卡奖。 Despite Cruise's anxiety, the film was well-received and went on to win the Best Sound Oscar. Frémoux强调电影节由大预算电影和独立电影组成的组合,强调电影选择的重要性及其全球影响。 Frémaux emphasized the festival's mix of big-budget films and independent movies, highlighting the importance of film selection and its global impact.