幸存者EJ Beck强调,除治疗外,儿科癌症幸存者目前面临的挑战。 Survivor EJ Beck highlights ongoing challenges for pediatric cancer survivors beyond medical treatment.
EJ Beck, 23岁医科学生, 孩童时幸存甲状腺癌, 突显癌症患者在治疗之外面临的挑战。 EJ Beck, a 23-year-old medical student, survived thyroid cancer as a child, highlighting the challenges cancer patients face beyond medical treatment. 随着儿科癌症存活率从1970年代的58%上升到今天的85%,许多幸存者仍在为失学、丧失身份和同伴支助而挣扎。 With survival rates for pediatric cancer rising from 58% in the 1970s to 85% today, many survivors still struggle with missed schooling, loss of identity, and peer support. 癌症中心现在正在雇用教育协调员,以帮助在治疗期间维持学术联系,但这种支助仍然局限于研究医院附近的那些中心。 Cancer centers are now hiring education coordinators to help maintain academic connections during treatment, but this support remains limited to those near research hospitals. 家庭支助在儿童康复中也发挥着至关重要的作用。 Family support also plays a crucial role in a child's recovery.