圣乔治,洛杉矶,选民批准了新的2%的销售税,每年将5 000万加元转用于城市服务。 St. George, LA, voters approve a new 2% sales tax, diverting $50M yearly for city services.
选民以压倒性多数批准了销售税措施, 允许市政府从明年开始征收2%的销售税。 St. George, Louisiana, voters have overwhelmingly approved a sales tax measure, allowing the city to collect a 2% sales tax starting next year. 该措施以 79% 的批准率通过,每年将从东巴吞鲁日教区转移约 5000 万美元到圣乔治,使其能够为污水和排水等基本服务提供资金。 The measure, which passed with 79% approval, will divert around $50 million annually from East Baton Rouge Parish to St. George, enabling it to fund essential services like sewage and drainage. 市政府将在7月1日接管税收。 The city will take control of the tax revenue on July 1.