66%的印度企业承认向官员行贿。 Sixty-six percent of Indian businesses admit to paying bribes to officials, a new report finds.
印度66%的企业在过去一年中承认向政府官员行贿, Sixty-six percent of businesses in India admitted to paying bribes to government officials over the past year, according to a report by LocalCircles, based on 18,000 responses. 54%的人感到不得不付钱,46%的人自愿这样做是为了加快进程。 Fifty-four percent felt compelled to pay, while 46% did so voluntarily to speed up processes. 尽管数字化和监测工作有所加强,但包括法律、卫生和污染控制在内的各部门仍支付贿赂。 Bribes were paid across various departments including legal, health, and pollution control, despite increased digitization and surveillance.