警方澄清说,速度摄像头往往由经过训练的文职人员看守,并标有阻止超速的标记。 Police clarify that speed cameras are often manned by trained civilians and are marked to deter speeding.
警察部队澄清了关于速度摄像头的常见神话,指出执法官员可以受过训练的平民,而且速度摄像头往往被标记为一种能见度的威慑因素。 The police force has clarified common myths about speed cameras, stating that enforcement officers can be trained civilians and that speed cameras are often marked for visibility as a deterrent. 为驾驶员指导设定了速度限值的标志,超速阈值超过限值1英里,尽管许多力量允许出现一些差异。 Signs indicating speed limits are placed for driver guidance, and the threshold for speeding is 1 mph over the limit, even though many forces allow some variance. 在执法期间,超速摄像车不受停车条例的约束,但官员必须使用酌处权。 Speed camera vans are exempt from parking regulations during enforcement, but officers must use discretion.