NAU的女性团队输给了南达科他州, 但男性团队赢了, 他们的纪录提高到7 -3。 NAU's women's team lost to South Dakota, but the men's team won, improving their record to 7-3.
北亚利桑那大学(NAU)的女子篮球队 结束了一场七场冠军赛 输给了南达科他州84 -79人 Northern Arizona University's (NAU) women's basketball team ended a seven-game winning streak with an 84-79 loss to South Dakota. 尽管在第四季度领先72 -71, NAU无法维持领先, 以38%的射击率结束。 Despite leading 72-71 in the fourth quarter, NAU couldn't maintain the lead, finishing with a 38% shooting rate. Taylor Feldman领先31个点 Taylor Feldman led with 31 points. 在男子方面,NAU赢得了95 -82的胜利, 把他们的记录提高到了7 -3。 On the men's side, NAU secured a 95-82 victory, improving their record to 7-3. 主要贡献者包括Trent McLaughlin(23分)和Carson Towt(双倍10分和18次反弹)。 Key contributors included Trent McLaughlin with 23 points and Carson Towt with a double-double of 10 points and 18 rebounds. 两个球队都安排了 下个星期六的全垒打 Both teams have home and away games scheduled next Saturday.