加拿大国家银行削减Xcel能源股份,而奥马哈第一国家银行则增加其股份。 National Bank of Canada cut Xcel Energy shares, while First National Bank of Omaha increased its stake.
加拿大国家银行FI将Xcel Energy的股份减少了298 038股,而Omaha第一国家银行的持有量增加了2.0%。 National Bank of Canada FI has reduced its stake in Xcel Energy by 298,038 shares, while First National Bank of Omaha increased its holding by 2.0%. 能源公司Xcel Energy报告净利润为13.67%,每股收入为1.25美元,略低于分析师的预期。 Xcel Energy, an energy company, reported a net margin of 13.67% and earnings per share of $1.25, slightly below analysts' expectations. 各种机构投资者调整了他们在公司的地位,该公司的市场上限为400.5亿美元,在发电和配电方面运作。 Various institutional investors have adjusted their positions in the company, which has a market cap of $40.05 billion and operates in electricity generation and distribution.