在Winnipeg被捕的男子,据乘客报告,在公共汽车上看到看起来像火器的东西。 Man arrested in Winnipeg after passenger reported seeing what looked like a firearm on a bus.
一名34岁男子在Winnipeg被捕,因为一名乘客报告说看到一辆城市公共汽车上似乎有火器。 A 34-year-old man was arrested in Winnipeg after a passenger reported seeing what appeared to be a firearm on a city bus. 警察被警告,他从公共汽车上出来时被捕,在那里发现了一把空投的空中手枪。 The police were alerted, and he was apprehended as he exited the bus, where an unloaded air pistol was found. 他因持有和携带隐藏的武器而面临指控,没有受伤报告。 He faces charges for possession and carrying a concealed weapon, with no injuries reported.