马哈拉施特拉邦的目标是成为印度的第一个万亿美元经济,突出吸引外国直接投资和雄心勃勃的城市扩张计划。 Maharashtra aims to become India's first trillion-dollar economy, highlighting FDI attraction and ambitious urban expansion plans.
马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长德文德拉·法德纳维斯(Devendra Fadnavis)认为,国家可以成为印度第一个数万亿美元的经济。 Maharashtra's Chief Minister, Devendra Fadnavis, believes the state can become India's first trillion-dollar economy. 在CNBC-TV18印度企业领袖奖上,Fadnavis强调马哈拉施特拉邦的经济实力,指出该财政年度上半年吸引了印度52%的外国直接投资。 At the CNBC-TV18 India Business Leader Awards, Fadnavis highlighted Maharashtra's economic strength, noting it attracted 52% of India's FDI in the first half of the fiscal year. 他宣布了在纳维孟买附近第三个孟买的计划,这是目前孟买规模的三倍,并强调要发展瓦达万港以刺激该国的海洋经济。 He announced plans for a third Mumbai near Navi Mumbai, three times the size of current Mumbai, and emphasized the development of the Vadhavan Port to boost the country's maritime economy.