狮子电气故障的电动公共汽车在缅因州引发了安全问题,阻碍了学校电动公共汽车的推动。 Lion Electric's faulty electric buses spark safety concerns in Maine, hampering the push for electric school buses.
狮子电动学校向八个缅因州提供了电动校车,但遇到多种缺陷,包括电动引导故障和松散的振动带,导致对安全的关切和对电动车辆的不信任。 Lion Electric's electric school buses provided to eight Maine districts have experienced multiple defects, including power steering failures and loose rivets, leading to safety concerns and distrust in electric vehicles. 这些问题导致学校恢复使用柴油巴士,推迟对联邦清洁学校公交车方案的信任。 The issues have caused schools to revert to diesel buses and delay trust in the federal Clean School Bus Program. 这已经影响了美国到2035年实现校车电气化的目标。 This has impacted the U.S. goal of electrifying school buses by 2035.