肯尼亚男女同性恋、双性恋、双性恋、变性者和跨性别者积极分子正在成立促进平等的教会,挑战压迫性法律和传统。 Kenyan LGBTQ+ activists are founding churches that promote equality, challenging oppressive laws and traditions.
肯尼亚男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和跨性别者积极分子正在努力通过建立促进平等的小型教会,将宗教从压迫工具转变为赋权工具。 Kenyan LGBTQ+ activists are working to transform religion from a tool of oppression to one of empowerment by establishing small-scale churches that promote equality. 这些教会,如Anza Mapema, 依赖加拿大等国家进步基督徒的支持, 挑战诸如《家庭保护法案》等压迫性立法。 These churches, like Anza Mapema, rely on support from progressive Christians in countries such as Canada to challenge oppressive legislation like the proposed Family Protection Bill. Queer神学家也在将传统的非洲信仰与基督教融合起来, Queer theologians are also integrating traditional African beliefs with Christianity to argue that LGBTQ+ identity is authentically African, countering colonial and conservative influences.