在爱尔兰奈恩海滩发现四头死羊和一头海豹后启动了调查。 Investigation launched after four dead sheep and a seal found on Nairn Beach in Ireland.
在爱尔兰Donegal县Nairn海滩发现四头死羊和一只印章后,正在进行调查。 An investigation is underway after four dead sheep and a seal were found washed up on Nairn Beach in County Donegal, Ireland. 已向地方官员发出警报,环境服务部计划进行一次检查,以确定死亡原因和关于动物的任何识别信息。 Local officials have been alerted, and an inspection by the Environmental Services department is planned to determine the cause of death and any identifying information on the animals. 已建议公众远离死动物。 The public has been advised to stay away from the dead animals.