印度的Suryakiran空军团队在Hussain Sagar湖上空进行充满活力的氧气表演。 India's Suryakiran Air Force team performs a vibrant aerobatic show over Hussain Sagar Lake.
印度空军的"苏里亚基兰"飞行队在泰兰加纳州的侯赛因萨加湖上空展现了惊人的飞行表演. The Suryakiran Aerobatic Team of the Indian Air Force performed a stunning aerobatic display over Hussain Sagar Lake in Telangana. 这个小组成立于1996年,是亚洲仅有的9个空心航空小组,以其精密操作如循环和滚动而闻名。 The team, formed in 1996, is Asia's only nine-aircraft aerobatic group, known for its precision maneuvers like loops and rolls. 该团队驾驶带有烟雾吊舱的改装 Hawk Mk 132 飞机,用印度三色旗的颜色粉刷天空,向着迷的观众展示他们的技能。 Flying modified Hawk Mk 132 aircraft with smoke pods, the team painted the sky with the colors of the Indian tricolor, showcasing their skills to a captivated audience.