汽车和电子行业的印度首席执行官现在比国外同行获得的利润至少高出15%。 Indian CEOs in auto and electronics are now out-earning their foreign counterparts by at least 15%.
汽车和电子行业的印度首席执行官现在的收入至少比海外同行高出15%,这反映出向重视当地专门知识的转变。 Indian CEOs in the auto and electronics sectors are now earning at least 15% more than their expatriate counterparts, reflecting a shift towards valuing local expertise. 这一趋势在Samsung和Maruti Suzuki等公司中可见一斑,由于印度领导人经验水平较高,薪酬差距预计会扩大。 This trend is seen in companies like Samsung and Maruti Suzuki, and the pay gap is expected to grow due to the higher experience levels of Indian leaders. 全球品牌也正在消除艰苦条件津贴,进一步有利于地方执行官。 Global brands are also eliminating hardship allowances, further favoring local executives.