印度空军总司令强调要改善新德里会议的培训和准备状态。 Indian Air Force chief stresses on improving training and readiness in New Delhi conference.
印度空军西部空军指挥部于12月6日和7日在新德里举行了一次为期两天的会议。 The Indian Air Force's Western Air Command held a two-day conference in New Delhi on December 6 and 7. 空军元帅AP Singh出席了会议,强调必须通过更好的培训、尽早使用新设备以及安全来加强行动能力。 Air Chief Marshal AP Singh attended and stressed the importance of enhancing operational capabilities through better training, early use of new equipment, and safety. 他还强调了世界艾滋病理事会在国内和国际上作为人道主义和救灾工作的第一反应者的作用。 He also highlighted the role of WAC as first responders for humanitarian and disaster relief efforts, both domestically and internationally.