全球哲学家在利雅得聚集,讨论人工智能道德和文化影响, Global philosophers gathered in Riyadh to discuss AI ethics and cultural impact over three days.
在法哈德国王国家图书馆举行的利雅得2024年国际哲学会议在三天后结束。 The Riyadh International Philosophy Conference 2024, held at the King Fahad National Library, concluded after three days. 60多名全球专家讨论了包括大赦国际道德、生活质量和哲学在多文化世界中的作用在内的主题。 Over 60 global experts discussed themes including AI ethics, quality of life, and the role of philosophy in a multicultural world. 这次活动吸引了5 400多名游客,突出显示了沙特阿拉伯对文化交流和知识交流的承诺。 The event, attracting more than 5,400 visitors, highlighted Saudi Arabia's commitment to cultural exchange and intellectual discourse.