MMA斗士Trokon Dousuah在Edmonton的一次慈善活动后死亡, Family seeks answers after MMA fighter Trokon Dousuah died following a charity event in Edmonton.
Trokon Dousuah是一位33岁的MMA战士, 在Edmonton的一次慈善活动后死亡, The family of Trokon Dousuah, a 33-year-old MMA fighter who died after a charity event in Edmonton, is seeking answers. Dousuah,父亲和丈夫,在战斗两天后去世,尽管多次接受手术。 Dousuah, a father and husband, passed away two days after the fight despite multiple surgeries. 死因仍然不清楚,促使人们要求进一步调查。 The cause of death remains unclear, prompting calls for further investigation. 这家人正在悲痛,等待第二次尸体解剖的结果,而组织者Ultra MMA尚未作出评论。 The family is grieving and awaiting results from a second autopsy, while organizers Ultra MMA have yet to comment. 艾伯塔省的体育部长还任命了一个委员会,以加强战斗性体育运动的安全。 Alberta’s sports minister has also appointed a committee to enhance safety in combative sports.