中国在肯尼亚举办的卢班讲习班教非洲青年使用先进技术掌握数字和农业技能。 China's Luban Workshop in Kenya teaches young Africans digital and agricultural skills using advanced tech.
在肯尼亚马查科斯大学举办的中国卢班讲习班正在赋予肯尼亚青年以创新农业和数字技能解决方案的能力。 China's Luban Workshop at Machakos University in Kenya is empowering young Kenyans to innovate solutions for agriculture and digital skills. 学生利用先进的工具和华卫云技术开发实用装置,如指导农民的土壤湿度传感器。 Students use advanced tools and Huawei cloud technology to develop practical devices like soil moisture sensors that guide farmers. 该方案成立于2019年,已扩展到15个非洲国家,目的是提高职业技能,应对社会挑战。 Established in 2019, the program has spread to 15 African countries, aiming to enhance vocational skills and address societal challenges.