新加坡Queensway购物中心的车祸造成两名老年妇女受伤。 Car accident at Singapore's Queensway Shopping Centre injures two elderly women.
12月7日, 新加坡Queensway购物中心的地下室停车场发生车祸, 造成四辆汽车受伤, On December 7, a car accident at Queensway Shopping Centre's basement carpark in Singapore involved four vehicles and injured two women, aged 61 and 91. 这两人均被新加坡民防部队送往国立大学医院,在运输时都有意识。 Both were taken to the National University Hospital by the Singapore Civil Defence Force and were conscious at the time of transport. 事故发生约 15 分钟后,一辆拖车将车辆移走,《海峡时报》首先报道了这一情况。 A tow truck removed the vehicle about 15 minutes after the accident, which was first reported by The Straits Times.