英国母亲因在前往德国途中在肮脏的条件下抛弃四个孩子而被监禁一年。 British mother jailed for a year for abandoning her four children in squalid conditions while traveling to Germany.
英国母亲Mariyana Asenova因在她前往德国与新男友见面时,将她的4名1至10岁子女遗弃在一间肮脏、满是垃圾的房子里,被判处1年徒刑。 A British mother, Mariyana Asenova, was sentenced to one year in jail for abandoning her four children, aged 1 to 10, in a filthy, trash-filled house while she traveled to Germany to meet her new boyfriend. 发现这些儿童在恶劣的条件下生活,食物很少。 The children were found living in squalid conditions with very little food. Asenova对八项虐待儿童的指控认罪,并被引渡到法院。 Asenova pleaded guilty to eight charges of child cruelty and was extradited to face the court.