Brian Schimming再次当选为威斯康辛共和党主席,第二任。 Brian Schimming was re-elected chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party for a second term.
Brian Schimming于星期六再次当选为威斯康辛共和党主席, Brian Schimming was re-elected as chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party for a second term on Saturday. 最初于2022年12月上任的Schimming感谢志愿者、捐赠者和支持者帮助获得威斯康辛州当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的选举选票,并维持共和党在2024年选举中对国会和州立法机构的控制。 Schimming, who initially took the role in December 2022, thanked volunteers, donors, and supporters for their help in securing Wisconsin’s electoral votes for President-elect Donald Trump and maintaining Republican control over Congress and the state legislature in the 2024 election. 同一天,其他政党领袖也当选。 Other party leaders were also elected on the same day.